The Great Global Shift

Here are a few thoughts and tips on what's up in the world today.  It is truly unprecedented times, unlike any shift that we have seen in any life time.  While it was kick started by some dark energies that were trying to hold their power that was already being dismantled, it is quickly being harnessed and used by those of us (both in physical and nonphysical) who are here assisting earth in her collective rise in consciousness.  The "scary stuff" is really the dismantling of old, worn out and ineffective societal systems (economics, over consumption, earth pollution, inequality, etc.) Basically, it is forcing people to take their own power back, learn to go within, quit relying on others and society to guide them in every aspect of their lives.  

Yes, we will loose some personal freedoms and some privacy.  Yes, the ego-run powers will think they have gained in some areas.  But if we hold to our truth and remind others to do the same; if we are brave enough to go within and find our own power, voice and vibrational frequency we will rise above the power grabs on lower frequencies.  We will evolve, continue to ascend and re-sync with mother earth.  Social distancing is about finding our own strengths and remembering we can survive on our own.  It is learning to connect at deeper spiritual levels and find faith within ourselves.  Folks don't have church and other groups to tell them who they are.  They have down time to reflect.  

And Earth is getting to breathe, rejuvenate and ascend her own vibration.  She and all of nature are spiritual beings who are growing, expanding and elevating along with the humans.  This is her day! And as she has a few weeks of less pollution (chemical, air, water, sound, light, vibration, etc) she can strengthen, go within and decide her next steps.  And as the world settles down, humans might just smell her, see her, feel her again. They can reconnect, re-sync and hopefully move forward with a new honor and appreciation.  

It is hard, painful and scary, because this time is way over due.  We, as a collective consciousness, have resisted taking responsibility for our own energy and power.  We gave it away and dark forces sucked it up.  Now there is a battle, both from without and within.  It has been building since the end of the civil war.  We did not heal well then and so now we have major course correction to do. 


What to do to navigate thru? 

1. First remember, this is the first of many lives.  You have lived thru terrible, terrible pains before and still returned for another round.  So, you have the training necessary to knock this one out.  YOU chose to be here during this shift.  YOU have a purpose - keep focus and consistently ask your higher self if you are in alignment with that purpose.  Be honest and realign ANY area that is out of alignment.  

2. Recognize that every single living creature must do the above for themselves.  It is critical that they own their own energy field, life choices and power.  We can only be way-showers at this time.  Do not waste you energy (it is too precious) on ANYONE who is not doing their work.  This jeopardizes you and them.  They can not ascend on someone else's shirttails.  Do not sacrifice ANY part of you for another (time, energy, emotion, space, etc) 

3. The fear is not real, it is manufactured in the collective consciousness.  If you have fear, there is something in your field that is attracting it (a similar vibration) Go within, discover what that is and remove it, immediately. Distractions, especially fear are not an option.

4. Watch the news, stay informed but do not engage emotionally or obsess over it.  And be rationally prepared on the physical front.  (think like a Girl Scout - always be prepared!)  Only do preparation when you are NOT emotional.

5.  As a way-shower, stand tall.  Believe in yourself.  Believe in this long running project of ascending earth consciousness.   It is time to do what you came here to do! 

6.  Encourage others to do all of the above.  And encourage them to enjoy this down time.  Learn a new craft, try out new healthier recipes, study a foreign language/culture/land/religion, clean out the junk closet (hell, clean it all out, prepare for a yard sale and open up to freedom), journal or draw, do a puzzle, MEDITATE, dance and sing out loud, SIT IN SILENCE, STEP OUT SIDE AND LISTEN, BREATHE.  Find peace, calm, stillness within and without.  These are our weapons that will cut through the collective consciousness's fear and chaos.  They are the activities that will propel our ascensions in to the new 5D way of life. 

We didn't expect it would come this soon and maybe we could have used a bit more practice at this new age of technology.  We had hoped the systems could be dismantled smoothly and the ego-run powers more quietly removed. But that is not the way it played out. The dark unleashed the virus, and we had to act.  And so here are.

But we are here with armies of etherical beings, angels, god&goddess, star seeds, elements and fellow humans fighting along side us. 

I follow Elizabeth Peru's energy forecast.  I have for many years.  I read her daily.  I highly recommend sub-scripting to her weekly forecast and reading her blog posts (especially the last one about this).  She explains everything so well.  She doesn't get as nitty-gitty truthful as me but she is solid in her work.

I am getting solid affirmations from the angelic front lines that the tides are turning in our favor.  This means it will last many weeks, maybe months, as the dismantling is cutting to the core and the rebuild will be intense. But the outcome will be the highest frequency of peace, calm, healthy, spiritual living that we have ever seen on earth.

In love and light we forge through the dark days.


The Dark Night of Humanity’s Soul