Volcanic Shock Waves, Mega-Energetic Upshifts & 5G Comes Online

It has been about a week and a half since Planet Earth made her jump into a higher energy bandwidth.  I know at some level we all felt it and are continuing to shift with the resonate ripple effect it created.  I am speaking about the massive seafloor volcanic eruption near Tonga.  This was the beginning of  the "Big Shift" in collective ascension to "5D" we have all anticipated.  Please, bear with me as I attempt to explain it all and to work with it in concise and coherent terms.  Like I said, it is mega-massive event!.... 


At collective and personal levels, we have all been working to raise our vibrations and shift into a higher consciousness reality.  This means we are not only expanding into higher frequencies but must also release lower ones.  We can only stretch our bandwidth so far.  As more humans did this individually, we reached a critical mass tipping-point at the collective level.  That collective level tipping-point synced with the natural earth cycles last Solstice 2021 and being fueled by a very active and powerful Solar Cycle 25 (uber solar flares and storms) it tipped the planet earth into a higher bandwidth.  This had been building for many decades. The tipping point for earth, naturally, was the massive release of raw creation energies (volcanic eruption).  And with all creation comes the release of frequencies that do not align.   


As our human bodies are literally formed from earth materials, we like all life forms on earth have been recalibrated to a higher frequency.  Our individual molecules have been upshifted to align with this new earth reality. This is the first major upshifting into a less dense physical body.  Our ethereal bodies have been receiving and integrating higher frequencies downloads in preparation for this upshift for about 2 yrs.  If you have been practicing to ground and center into your own root chakra and higher channel, you will have a much easier time.  Even be able to enjoy the experience.  


The earth is continuing to upshift at all levels.  The ripple effect of the massive energy release has affected the entire global atmosphere.  It sent a gravitational shock wave around the planet.  It displaced and replaced the entire oceanic flow, resonating through polar ice sheets, rivers, weather systems, etc.  Within only a few hours it had a ripple effect around the globe in barometric pressure, affecting weather systems, earthling (human animal and such) behaviors.  It is currently creating shifts in our stratosphere, atmosphere and so much more.   


Below are links to very short reports and videos of the ripple effect happening around our planet.  I HIGHLY encourage you to check them out and continue to follow the shifting.  The scientific data today's technology can collect is an astounding tool to help us gain a deeper understanding of our earth ascension experience.  

It is important to note: these are all UPshift in frequencies.  They are positive changes creating a higher consciousness on Earth.  As I mentioned above - we can only stretch our bandwidth so far.  If we as individuals or a collective raise our consciousness beyond the bandwidth of our planet, we are not able to exist in the same reality/dimension.  Since earth in many ways is our creation project, it must rise in frequency range too.  This is part of the shift into a New Earth Energy Grid - The Aquarian ERA - 5D.    

Where do the lower frequencies go?  Well, they are currently scattered about the planet.  Naturally gravitating to other similar frequencies, creating sticky blobs of low frequency thought patterns or emotional habits.  They do not have consciousness but instinctively strive to stay "alive" or operational.  They need a power source for this or a symbiotic host.  This is why we have been working our booties off to recognize, heal and release our own wounds/trauma/low frequency energies.  The healthier and higher our own energy system, the less risk we have of attracting this funk.  And the more aware we are of what is ours and what is not.  Yes, we all still have stuff to work on - always will! And so, with the "high rate of lower funk in the air" there is a high probability some will stick to you.  Step up your energy hygiene routines, strengthen your boundaries and hold your energy steady in a higher range.  Most of all, be honest with yourself in all areas of your life!  

Now there is one more mega shift we must cover - that is the collapse of low dimensions/realities on earth.  The volcanic eruption brought to the surface portals into extremely depressive, nasty, low vibrational realities that have been existing alongside us on the earthly plane. Some would call them evil or hell. They are the shadow side of the earth plane. They have come up to be closed permanently. We have all experienced them in past or current life times.  Ultimately, these are realities that must be completely disconnected from our bandwidth in order for us to ascend. They are trying to come through the portals in an attempt to "survive" - just like the sticky blobs mentioned above.  Make no mistake they are more powerful than the blobs.  They are not looking for a host.  They are looking for a conduit to attach into so they can hold earth in their lower vibration.  It is important to note: This is simply the way energies work - any and all life force will seek a path of survival, always. I caution you to NOT attach a storyline of good versus evil or any other narrative that gives credence to the lower realms.  Simply deny access to your energy systems.  Hold yourself in high vibrations and make sure when you do your own shadow work, it is done in a safe, solitary space.  Ask your ethereal team to help secure your space.  These portals are typically close to our dreamscape, so before your sleep run through your energy hygiene routine and secure your sacred space boundaries.  If this attaches to your field, I or another trusted energy healer can assist you in the removal and closure process.  

On top of this mega earth energy shift, 5G came on line last week.  This created a bit of turbulence in the upshifting process.  If you think back to 2018-19 when 5G was the big concern...you will realize how far we have ascended since then.  We just need to steady our energy systems and move on. Our collective and planetary frequency bandwidth is across the tipping point.  5G is now at the lower part of our planetary frequency range. It is not a big deal for anyone who has been doing their inner work (and you have!)  We all felt the turbulence when they turned it on and a few days after.  Many felt sick - a sort of energy detox so you could adjust. 5G is the next step in the progression of human technology. Personally, I find it creates more static and confusion in the energy realms but it is what it is.  We, as energy beings, will learn to adapt and get used to it just as we have adapted to all other inventions (EMFs, plastic, electricity...etc.)  It does create a thicker radio frequency network than Wifi or any other interactive electronic transfer of data.  If you do not understand it, empower yourself with scientific knowledge. It is not...and I repeat....NOT any part of a wider conspiracy theory.  Please, resist buying those narratives that create fear and disempowerment.   

How do we best work with all this upshifting and planetary turbulence?   

First and foremost - step outside and take in the new brighter beauty and graceful peace running through nature.  Notice how it just shifts and adjusts with the new frequencies.  It doesn't put judgment on it - no good or bad in nature.  Just the cycles of life spiraling up in ascension.  Breathe this in and be at one with it all.  Do not miss this sacred moment in our planet's evolution b/c of any momentary human drama.  

Second - step up your self care and energy hygiene practices.  These shifts are centered at the physical and emotional bodies.  So, physically clean your homes, cars and persons.  Then energetically clean it all.  Baths, massages, stretching, and resting will help.  Take your diet to a higher frequency with clean, positive foods.  Increase your water - you can not over hydrate!!! 

Third - get even more honest with yourself about your habits, thought patterns, emotional attachments.  Look at situations from different perspectives and own your part.  The planetary energies are supporting realignments.  No need to judge, just release what is out of alignment with your higher self and move into alignment.   

Fourth - ENERGY WORK - Claim the sovereignty of your energy field. Make it your priority to stay centered, stable and aware of your energy field at all times.  Protect and nurture it with all that you have.  Honor and respect it without apologies or explanations. Take your personal meditation, your soul development, your energy healing to the next level.   


We as a planet, a collective and individual souls have crossed over into the new reality of a higher frequency range.  A higher conscious reality is being created by the very vibrations we hold and emit.  We are here.  Be proud, be grateful, be joyful.  And most of all - BE PRESENT in the Experience!  


Believe me, I have walked through my struggles with it too.  As incredible and wonderful as the birthing of a new reality is - we humans still experience the exhaustion and pain of labor. If you are struggling in any way, for any reason to calibrate to these new energies, please, reach out to me or another trusted energy worker to assist you.   



Shock wave from volcano eruptions see from space-  https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=15&month=01&year=2022 

The shock waves ripple thru North America- https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=16&month=01&year=2022 


I am so very grateful to be with each of you on this planet in this time and space for such a sacred and amazing moment along the ascension path.  Okay...I think I covered the jist of it    


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