Solar Ascension, Breaking Down Alternate Realities, Past Life PTSD & Guidelines for Upgrading Your 4 Energy Bodies

We are now in the thick of Solar Activity and not just any intense influx but mega visceral Solar upshifts.  I know you have felt the last 2 weeks of intense Solar Flares, Geomagnetic Storms, Cannibal CMEs and so much more.  I write to you today in an attempt to provide clarity, understanding and some tips on navigating the mega energy shifts.   I say attempt b/c as I write this we are experiencing yet another level X (top tier) Solar Flare. My brain feels a bit scrambled and words are hard to grab.  Nonetheless, the guides and I feel this info can not wait any longer. I have been attempting to write it for over 2 weeks. Each time, more shifts happen and I pause to assimilate the new information.  Just as I begin the email again, another wave of even higher frequency energy enters...and I pause to assimilate...and so on and so on...until last night when I was told by the guides to just spit it out!~   

We think of the Sun as having these 7yr cycles. That looks to be true. It also has bigger cycles, as all things do.  Life is a series of cycles that spirals into larger cycles. The Sun is our Source of life force energy for this galaxy.  As the Sun goes through one of its megacycle upshifts - literal changes to its core energy balance (gasses, plasma, electrons, etc.) it sends a ripple effect though the galaxy.  And that ripple effect shifts the core make up of all the planets and how they interact with one another. Naturally, this has an effect on all earthlings and their interaction with one another.  This changes the very nature of life, in turn changing our conscious awareness.  The Sun is currently jumping into a whole new range of frequencies. These new frequencies are being flung throughout the galaxy at an intense rate. It is burning up, breaking down and folding in the old ranges.  This means we need to calibrate our own energy systems to this higher frequency range. This is the whole point of earth life - to raise our consciousness to align with our higher selves and further the ascension process, right?  

Many folks don't understand this, so these changes are terrifying.  When we are scared, we cling to what we think is safe - what we think we can control.  At collective and individual levels there is currently a deep trauma response happening.  And when folks freak out, it triggers more fear and other folks grab for control wherever they can.  This is a very real and understandable fear.  Much of it stems from current and past life PTSD. I have had a few bouts of terror rise up in me that I had to breath through and wait out the anxiety so, I could recognize it for what it was and release it at the roots.  I am sure you can relate.  The difference is we have awareness and techniques to bring us back into our own power center (higher self).  Those who don't have that awareness will continue to act out on the individual and world stages. They are bringing to the surface what must be broken down and folded back into the primordial energies of life. They will either rise from the ashes to join us or they will fold themselves back in. We can not change them.  It is their choice.  Just as it is your choice to rise. 

We can stand strong and integrate the new energies - further strengthening the new Aquarian Era Energy Grid.  We can practice holding steady to our truths, our light and our path, ever spiraling ascension into new levels, no matter how freaking hard it feels. We each are here to maintain our own pillar of light and so stand in solidarity with one another to protect, support and nurture our place in the new energy grid - our pillar of light. Our light shines brightly and unwaveringly so others may find their path back to their center.  But they must walk that path on their own. 

As the earth and moon rotate into alignment with the Sun during its mega upshift in life cycles, we will be pushed into further alignment with this higher frequency range.  All that I wrote above is further intensifying on all levels of earth life (weather patterns, restructuring of social paradigms, time-space shifts, fault lines (volcanos, etc) ley lines/vortices, etc.) By the way, in the middle of the eclipses, Mercury will enter retrograde, further prompting us to recognize low frequency patterns and rise to a higher level of ascension. I say this so you can be primed to hold strong and navigate the shifts within you and around you with grace and peace.  

Naturally, the entire solar system and adjacent dimensions are being upshifted. We are already seeing more "alien" activity as they come in to observe and experiment with these changes. They see an opportunity to collect valuable data on how 3D life forms (especially the conscious ones) are affected by these shifts and how we adapt to them.  This may seem quite Sci-fi. To be frank, it threw me for a loop, when I discovered their observation gear (energetically, of course) on clients recently. I have not seen such activity in several years. If you sense this happening to you, reach out to me immediately. They do not have the right to invade your system and can be exceptionally disruptive.  

These shifts are causing deep breakdowns in time-lines and the releasement of alternate realities. These other worlds are trying to hold on, just like the unawared folks I mentioned above. If they operate at a frequency range the sun is elevating out of, they are losing their own source of life force. They are in a state of fear and are attached to any life form that can pull them into the higher range or feed them energy.  As we all travel to other dimensions through astral travel in dreamscape or mediation, we have made connections to some of these worlds. They are pulling or anchoring deeper to our connections for their survival.  This is not acceptable.  It will only exhaust you and hold you in lower ranges. We all must rise on our own. Each individual. Each dimension. If you are feeling pulled back and forth between realities or like you're stuck in limbo - you need to pull your energies back to your core channel immediately. You can not carry anyone or anything into the next level. I know this too sounds very is.  And I thank Sci -fi authors for their foresight into the truth providing us prior context to work with realities that stretch beyond our cognitive comprehension.  

Now let's cover how this Solar upshift is affecting us at individual energy system levels.  It is forcing jumps in consciousness - which can be quite jarring to say the least. It can feel like being electrocuted when they first enter the system. My typical experience is like the symptoms after you have been shocked by an electric fence (or cattle prod!) Like your very molecules are scrambled.  In a sense, they are.  These frequencies are much more laser-like, they are streamlined, intense and fast moving. The old Piscean or early stage Aquarian Era upgrades were softer, slower, warmer, more like clouds floating down and embracing us. We used to have some lag time or downtime to integrate and familiarize ourselves with the energies. We must first accept this new mode of operation in energy streams. Recognize that our integration methods and calibration techniques need to be upgraded to handle the new influx of energies. In other words, many old school metaphysical or spiritual practices are not equipped to manage this new energy range.  Just like old computer operating systems are not able to run many of today's software.   

Below are some different approaches to upgrading your "metaphysical operating system" and suggestions for useful "software" to navigate into the new energy world: 

First and foremost - get honest with how you are handling the changes. Don't live in denial or overwhelment. Step back from emotion and other's opinions on how you should be doing. Take an honest assessment of where you are doing a good job and where you need to step it up.  

1. Physical body:  this one is really taking a beating with these changes. It is evolving faster than ever before and in ways we have not experienced in a single lifetime. The best tip here is to stop the "habits", good or bad ones. Lay down on the floor, relax and listen to your body.  Ask it how it is doing, how it feels and then just be there with it for a moment. Like you would a good friend who is struggling. It needs to feel seen and heard, desperately. Many of us treat the physical like a car. We maintain it well. We manage its required needs and don't think much more about it. The body is not a vehicle we drive.  It is 25% of your energy system, your energy range. It must rise with the other 75%, 3 bodies if you are to truly ascend into the new Aquarian energies.   

2. Emotional body: most of us have done deep work already here. Best tip is to recognize when collective or other people/entities' emotions are attached to you.  Do not assume just because you feel bad, you have more issues to work on. If you healed and cleared a topic - trust yourself, own your healing. We are living in a constant collective tornado (as described above) This means emotions are flying everywhere and can attach to other similar frequencies in your system.  For instance, if you experience heavy physical pain from the upgrades, someone else's emotional pain could attach there.  Shields Up! Increase your energy clearing and be discerning when you engage with the world.  And of course, keep being honest and own your own emotional stuff.  

Also, deep ancient past life traumas are surfacing to clear.  Do NOT attach to them.  Recognize and release. As it comes from deep in the fabric of our early human existence, it can be difficult to be objective or detached. Many intuitive healers can assist with this.  

3. Mental/Intellectual body:  This one is all about mental patterns and rewiring our cognitive software! Slow down. Don't take on what you don't need. My best advice here is to streamline your organizational tools.  One calendar, one to-do list. Set up simple, easy and efficient organizational processes at work and in daily life. Schedule time to organize your stuff each day.  Take the time NOW to implement this.  It will reduce stress, calm the primitive brain, build confidence and free up any wasted energy to be used for internal upgrades.   

Also, choose your information/news outlets wisely.  Do not ignore the world's happenings - you feel them regardless as you are the collective.  Watch or listen with an objective, analytical intrigue.  Like you're learning a social studies lesson in grade school. 

4. Ethereal body: As I mentioned above, it's time to upgrade your spiritual/metaphysical/energetic practices. Use the same suggestions I mentioned with the physical body.  Do an honest evaluation of what is working and what is not. Let go of the absolutes and the rules. Open up to what currently resonates with you and then step further into that. And no matter what, do not give your power away to anyone or any idea that makes you question your own sovereignty or seeds fear in you.  

Above all, never forget that: you are here now because you are leading the charge on how we as a collective will embrace and build paradigms in this new energy range. So, care for your soul like the mighty power of light you are.  How it will all play out, I can not say.  No one can.  There is no predetermined outcome here. We passed that point long ago.  We are creating a present and future reality by the way we choose to work with the new influx of energy.  You are critical infrastructure for this new energy grid.  Each of us as conscious life forms are foundational pillars in this new grid. How we conduct and hold our frequency range has a ripple effect on the whole.  We can rise with the sun or not. We are the sole (soul) determining factors in our ascension path. The Sun and all of its glorious solar system is providing us the supportive energies to soar higher than we have ever been before.  

I am honored to soar into this new energy range with you.  If I can assist you in raising your vibrational frequency and calibrating to a higher version of you, please, do not hesitate to reach out. This is un-treaded terrain for us all, and so, we all need a little objective perspective and assistance at times.  It is my soul (sole) purpose to support you as you build the foundational pillars of this new energy grid.  

Key Dates (to put in the consolidated calendar)  

Partial Solar Eclipse & New Moon 4/30  

Mercury Retrograde begins 5/10 

Total Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon 5/15 

New Moon 5/30 

Mercury Retrograde ends 6/2 

*It also helps to stay informed about Solar activity and other solar system shifts. You can check it's activity like you check the daily weather forecast at 


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