Elevated Energies

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A tornado season of old paradigms and fear - Prepare like an Okie, clean the storm shelter then enjoy the BBQ

Hey Fellow Lightworkers!  

I hope my last email was not too overwhelming! I know each of you are dedicated to your own soul ascension and the greater elevation of frequencies on earth. You are the reason we are shifting into the Aquarian era and so, my ethereal team and I are dedicated to sharing insight and knowledge to empower you.  I promise, we will never send fluff - only raw, authentic information to assist in the ascension to higher realms.   

I promise this time the email is shorter but 10x more important than the last!!!   

Since late last week the sun has been sending a trinity of solar wind (from 3 coronal holes) - this is high frequency energy which began arriving at earth's atmosphere yesterday.  Use this influx to bolster your creations/manifestations.  Also, recognize that it will intensify everything.  This is a surge in energy power throughout the planet.  

Today Mars began its once every 2 yr retrograde. The timing of this can not be understated!!! All retrogrades bring the past back to the surface for healing, releasing and higher alignments. They are an opportunity to ascend. Mars's retrograde has us looking at our past attitudes and relationship with power and masculine energy.   

For the next 4months, we will be provided opportunities to revisit, reassess and elevate our use of power at the greater collective, societal and personal levels.  This is not something we can hide from or just "ride the wave".  It is critical we all take a deep and honest evaluation of how we take responsibility for our own empowerment of our wellbeing and how we honor each other's empowerment.  

Folks who are still operating in the old power structures (mentioned in the last email) will feel threatened and fearful.  They will fight to keep power or refuse to take it, depending on where in the old paradigm they find a sense of security.  This will ratch up the level of conflict on the world stage. This is dismantling the old. Let it be.  

Last time Mars went retrograde was Sept-Nov of 2020.  Anyone remember the shit show of the 2020 elections - the spiralling of conspiracy theories, the breakdown of trust in our democratic process, the culmination of an attempted violent assault on the Capital of the United States a few months later?  Why did this happen? For several reasons but in summary -a fight for survival of the power structures.  A few folks, who felt entitled, refused to relinquish power. They attempted manipulation and dominance to keep control. Many more who felt "disenfranchised" stepped into a manufactured distortion of reality to re-enforce their outdated paradigms of dominance for power. Those who are terrified of change are clinging to the old model of a king, hero or other saviour to come and protect them and their "good old ways."  There is always a power hungry narcissist who is ready to play the role in order to take over the world!! (enter -evil snicker for emphasis)  

The 2020 Mars retrograde broke open the truth of what had been festering in the darkness of our old era.  Showing us what needed to be reckoned with.  This retrograde begins the opportunity to clear, heal and realign our power structures. The USA is the wayshower of a new model where there is an equal power and responsibility among humans.  We are also still in our beginning.  We are learning, refining and growing.  If you are in the USA, stand in your power, speak your truth and vote in alignment with your higher self.  Vote for those who walk the walk, talk the talk of higher frequencies. Do not fuel the flames of fraud, conspiracy or other crap that gives your power to narcissists.   

To add to the intensity of this energy shifting, the USA elections are happening on the Full Moon-Total Lunar Eclipse.  Complete illumination of our shadow-side, forcing complete alignment with our truth as it is today.  There will be a huge unveiling of the health and wellbeing of our democratic system.   We will then know which way we must go to bring a higher level of consciousness to the collective.  There is no predetermination.  We are creating our new reality with the choices we make each moment and by the frequency we hold ourselves in.   

A few have asked about how to balance fear and preparedness.  I view the energy climate the same as weather patterns in Oklahoma - a bit erratic and often unpredictable! For us, okies and midwesterners at large, it is a way of life.  You stay weather aware, adjust accordingly and life goes on.  Each spring, we clean out the hidy-hole and refresh the supply backpack so we are ready for a tornado.  But then we go outside, fire up the grill and enjoy the return of warmer days.  If a storm is approaching we turn on the local new channel.  Be an Okie. Don't get caught up in the fear, hiding in your hidy-hole all season.  Just stay energy climate aware and adjust accordingly.  If your primitive/survival brain is nagging at you, then do what you need to do to calm it and raise your frequency back to high vibes.  But don't let it or other's fear fester inside you.  Breathe, center then decide what resonates with you.  

It's important also to note that the 1/2 way point between Equinox and Solstice is the day before the elections.  Take advantage of this natural balance point of our earth cycles.  Step on to the earth and commune with our fellow non-drama earthlings (the foliage, animals and elements).  Take the perspective of the hawk and let the drama fall below you deep into the soil, then deeper into the magma.  Let it all fold back into the primordial elements of life to be upcycled into alignment with this new energy grid.   

Be conscientious of how you are presenting your energy, your power to the world around you.  If at times you feel unsafe or depleted, then step into your sacred space and take care of your precious light.  You are all that matters for you are an essential and unique component of this new earth energy grid.  We need you to stay focused on you.  And if at times you need assistance, then reach out to me or another fellow light. It is always an honor to assist one another.  

We are the first to consciously elevate to these new frequencies.  

We knew it would take courage and fortitude.   

We knew there would be turbulence.   

But still we could never miss this sacred moment in the evolution of the universe.   

So, we have trained for life times and we studied among the stars.   

We are the creation of what has never been before.  

We are One of Many and Many of One.  

Just think what stories our souls will have to tell in light years to come!  

Let us now illuminate the new way!