Solstice: A Sacred & Powerful Inter-Planetary Rebalancing
Solstice is when the extreme polarities (dualities) of our planet returning to balance as a whole. This Solstice, we in the Northern Hemisphere, step deepest into our inner selves. The longest night provides a time to slow and calm the external so that all may take a deep rest and reflect. We are asked to reconnect and rejuvenate our inner source of power. In the Southern Hemisphere, the longest day of the planetary solar cycle, provides extra solar energy to stimulate the interaction of the external. To step out into the world and reconnect with the life forces of our planet. Soaking up the source of life that unites and powers us all!
With all the jumps into higher frequency ranges (new earth vibrations) this last planetary-solar cycle (year) it is all the more important that we take conscious time and energy to recognize the wholeness of this beautiful life force system we call earth and how it so majestically balances in the flow of our greater solar system. Take note of where you are personally in this cycle. Is it your time to step within and rejuvenate your inner systems or is it your time to step out and share in the activation of collective growth?
Over the last week we have received a mass injection of higher frequency energies from the sun - in the form of 20+ M-class solar flares. In the physical sense, this is ultraviolet radiation which shifts the patterns and vibrations of every single cell on earth (yours, mine, water, minerals, plants, weather systems, tectonic plates, etc...) As this UV radiation has been seeping down into the earth, it is breaking up what needs to shift and creating a stronger foundation of the new earth frequency range for creation in the next planetary-solar cycle (year.) The WHOLE Planet will continue to see great upshifts into a new way of life. Gaia itself is changing, my friends. Assist her in a graceful ascension by honoring your part in our earth collective. As I type this the sun has just sent us another M-class solar flare.
Just as we cross through Solstice, we are greeted with a Super New Moon and Chiron (the wounded healer) going directly. This creates a powerful whirlwind of energies for further creation of new patterns, paradigms and higher perspectives of life on earth. Since mid-July, Chiron has been asking us to recognize and heal childhood wounds of self worth/value and the patterns they created. As we move out of the healing stage, the Super New Moon provides us a boost of motivation to cultivate new healthier patterns and paradigms. Coming out of Solstice, it is now easier to recognize how our personal growth is part of the collective growth. We are all one great earth collective.
It may feel like there is external resistance, even a conspiracy against these changes. In a sense, there is. But it is not conscious. It's just the nature of holiday traditions and rituals. When traditions/rituals provide us understanding and reflection for who we have been and where we come from, we are better able to understand our present motivations and are empowered to elevate our creation of the future. When the traditions/rituals have lost the back story, been put on a rigid repeat or have not evolved to reflect the evolution of our present times; they become detrimental to our wellbeing. They hold us stuck in the past and create a resistance to future growth. If you feel this struggle between the sacred moment of ascension on our planet and the heavy expectations for the holidays you celebrate, take a step back and assess the expectations and traditions you practice. Is it time to update your traditions (or even dismantle them) to bring alignment with your new higher frequency? With so much personal healing and growth this last year, many of the olds ways do not align with us any longer. Embrace the shift in your own perspectives and create evolved traditions that honor this new reality. It is these new ways that are the roots of our new reality.
Mars is still deep in retrograde (till 1/12), to assist us in breaking up our old patterns of misaligned power. We are motivated to no longer tolerate over (or under) imbalance of power by ourselves, others or societal paradigms. We are learning to embrace our responsibility for designing our lives. Just before the new human calendar year of 2023 begins, Mercury goes retrograde (12/29). We begin 2023 with the theme of overhauling our communication paradigms and patterns. Particularly focusing on how we communicate/express our sense of empowerment and responsibility of power with others.
It goes without saying - but I gotta say it - THIS IS A MEGA END OF YEAR WRAP UP! And....It sets the stage for a new year of super new creations in high frequency ranges.
My dear fellow lightworkers, this is truly the moment in the Aquarian Era Ascension that we have been preparing for! Please, step away from all the distractions and breath into this moment. It is the moment you will want bookmarked into your soul's memory. Cherish this experience, for you are creating it.....
With that said, there is an unprecedented number of changes in all our bodies (physical, emotional, intellectual, ethereal) and all around us. The intensity is off the charts and the speed is faster than light (literally) Remember, we are here as one magnificent collective of light. We are here to assist one another. When you feel strong, shine your light to assist others in finding their way. And when you feel dim, allow others to shine their light for you to find your way. This is the way of our world - the flow of light between the Solstices for continual shifting and balancing....
May your Solstice be full of grace, gratitude and blessings of ascension. The opportunity to assist you in your soul's work and growth, continues to fill my heart with gratitude and my soul with humble grace. May we all be blessed with another year of successful soul ascension and flourishing creation of this sacred new earth.