Eclipse Season Climax - Rebalancing the Parent-Child Paradigm w/ the New Earth Energy Grid

We are now a full week into Mercury retrograde and have only one week left of Eclipse season. We are almost a week out from the massive outbreak of Geomagnetic storms over last weekend and are wrapping up the Lyrids meteor shower, while ETA meteor shower prepares to peak at the Full moon-Partial Lunar Eclipse next Friday. Oh, and Pluto will move retrograde next week too!

Any one else feel like the earth is a snow globe being passed around a class of 2nd graders that ate nothing but cake, milkshakes and gummy worms for lunch! Just as things begin to settle we are all shook up again….

Of course, this is an wonderous expansion of consciousness and elevation into new realms. We will talk about that is a minute. First, we need to address where we are and the turbulence we are experiencing as we pass through this portal into a new realm of higher consciousness. We have a lot to cover and some of today’s messages may be triggering so…

Before we dive in - Brew a fresh pot of java and take a moment to settle into a safe, calm space. Take a few breaths and remind yourself that you are powerful, masterful and in this incarnation because you are ready for this work. Then commit to reading this email with an open mind and a discerning soul. Promise yourself that after you read through it, you will check it all with your higher self to insure it aligns with your truth.

Okay, the coffee is brewed. Pour a fresh cup and let’s get to it, my friends.

We have come to the tipping point of our global ascension - the point that we have all been anticipating with excitement and anxiousness. We could feel it approaching as the torque intensifies. The solar eclipse last week began to slid the alignments in place - At the lunar eclipse on May 5th the alignments will be complete. What does that mean? It mean that everything that does not align with this new level of higher consciousness in our solar system must be pulled from the sea floor into the light and reckoned with. There is a quickening in the dismantling of old paradigms. This round of dismantling and clearing goes back to the beginnings of human consciousness. It is also a jump in earth evolution. Remember, the planet and all earthlings (animals, planets, soil, water, air, etc.) are ascending with us. They must realign their paradigms of life to a higher consciousness also.

It all sounds a bit familiar, eh? Yes, we have been doing this for quite some time now. Life force (energy) flows in cycles - round and round; expanding and contracting as it moves ‘forward’ in a spiral formation. We are cycling through this process with each level we go deeper to clear and then higher to ascend. This time we are at a big tipping point because we have achieved a critical mass of higher frequencies in the solar system with a focal point on earth.

Breath deep….and sigh it all out. I know this is a lot of abstract theoretical thoughts. In short, as a whole earth collective (all earthlings and earth its self) with solar and planetary support plus ethereal guidance, we have again achieved a level of higher consciousness (higher frequency range) than we have ever ascended to in the 3rd dimension before. We are anchoring in another higher level of the new earth energy grid.

I realize it may not look like success when you look out over the chaos. If you take away the judgement of good and bad, you will see the mega chaos is a sign of our success. If so many of us were not breaking through the old paradigms and embracing our individual power/truths, the dismantling would not be occurring. It is the sprouts of the new earth consciousness that are breaking up the top soil of the old ways.

Now, let’s get to the nuts and bolts of this remodeling project. We in ‘the spiritual world” talk a lot about the dismantling of old ideals/paradigms/social structures/etc. Rarely, do we break it down into what that really means for our daily lives and personal belief systems. I have been cautious in keeping the conversation obtuse because many layers needed to be peeled back and we need to be strong in our individual power to release our reliance on the external structures.

It is here in this eclipse season that we are called to look deeper into the details of what we are dismantling and to take a stronger role, as higher conscious beings, in the dismantling. Until now, we have been working at building the foundation of our new earth grid/reality. We, as lightworkers, have been allowing the natural breakdown while still leaning on some of its more comfortable ideals/paradigms. Now we begin to consciously release the last of the old infrastructure and step fully into the new grid.

Here is where fight or flight triggers from past traumas may arise. Take a few more deep breaths, refresh the coffee and recommit to reading with an open mind and a discerning soul.

We start by reminding ourselves of how powerful we are. We have been training for lifetimes to manage and care for our energy systems. We have fought hard battles (internally and externally) and survived. We have learned to heal the trauma at any level, how to nurture and rejuvenate our systems. We have vast experience at navigating the unknown, the terrifying and the mundane. We remember how to recognize and celebrate the beauty and joy of our adventures. We are well trained and well prepared to take on this next level of individual ascension for the collective expansion.

Side note: As I type, I realize how much I needed the reminder also! This is an emotionally and viscerally triggering moment. I fear saying too much of my truth will turn folks away. They will shun the message, and I will have failed. This is conditioning from multiple past life persecutions and also a very real possibility today. None the less, I can not stand idle - My soul is committed to doing the job before me, and so I take the leap to share what I know to be truth. My intention is the knowledge will further release you from the outdated paradigms and empower you to build an even stronger higher frequency reality anchored into the new earth energy grid.

Okay. Now I take a few deep breaths. Feel free to breath with me.

Here is it goes….

All the current upheavals in our societies around the world stem back to power imbalances. Such as imbalances in masculine-feminine energies; between humans and nature; between governments and citizens; etc. It is all about hierarchal structures. Over the ages we have seen many different versions of this but always, there is a top down set up. Some are in charge and responsible for the well being of the others. The very nature of this goes back to the original pack structure prior to human individual consciousness. It simply is the way humans developed to survive. And it worked. Really well. It coupled with our evolution of thumbs and individual consciousness has created quite the imbalance between humans and the planet.

If we peel this back further, we see the hierarchal pack order organically grew out of the parent-child relationship. This is a natural and necessary imbalance of power. The parent has an abundance of control and responsibility for the wellbeing-survival of both child and parent. The child relies on the care of the parent, following direction or risks the survival of both parent and child. The child has less responsibility and control.

Most species to some degree have this parent-child power balance. It is organic and productive until the offspring can sufficiently care for themselves. And all species, release dissolve the parent-child relationship once it is no longer needed….except for humans. Some species maintain a hierarchal pack structure, however its basis on aptitude not birth order.

Humans not only keep the concept of being a child and/or a parent their entire lives but have woven this idea into most aspects of society and all relationships. We always identify as a parent and/or a child. This means that we are always in a state of imbalance of power and never fully in our own individual sovereignty. We are either overly responsible for others or not responsible for ourselves. If we look at a few different aspects of human life we see this everywhere. A few examples: We talk of being pet parents. We call our country’s founders fore-fathers. We refer to earth as Mother Earth. We have obligations to reinforce our stations with Mother’s day and Father’s day. It is woven into our religions, our cultures, our social roles, our governments. We inscribe it on our tombstones.

Constantly we fluctuate between being overly responsible for others and never fully responsible for ourselves. To be a parent, there must be a child and vice versa. We hold an obligation and a societal pressure to maintain family relationships that may not be in alignment with our soul path, or healthy for our wellbeing. What if when the child became an adult, the parent was free to be just an adult also and the relationship could start fresh on even ground without obligation?

As we move in to this next level of ascension, where we are called to step fully into our individual power and take full responsibility for our own wellbeing, we begin to pull our energy away from the parent-child power imbalance. We begin to honor one another as individuals - equalizing the power balance of this new earth energy grid.

As we begin to see the parent-child role as a season of growth - one part of the natural life cycle, we begin to step back into the natural rhythm of the greater earth cycle.

What if instead of hanging onto childhood as long as possible, anguishing through adulthood and resisting elderhood, we embraced each phase as season within a cycle along the infinite spiral of life? What if we honored childhood as an opportunity to remember our connection to source and training to be a productive adult? What if we honored adulthood as the opportunity for soul growth and contribute to the collective ascension? What if we honored elderhood as an opportunity to reflect on our growth and integrate it for the next incarnation?

We no longer expect too much or too little from anyone. We will learn to honor all of life as we honor ourselves. This is the freedom of higher consciousness. A freedom that comes from embracing an individually responsible life. This is the new earth energy grid; built to be more inclusive and connected through stronger individual empowerment.

As you go about your everyday lives, look for the spaces, the relationships, the language, the behaviors, the news stories, the movies/shows, the advertising and the personal conversations that re-enforce the parent-child power imbalance. Explore your self identification as a parent and/or a child. You are a powerful pillar, conductor and transmitter of this new earth energy grid. This is your opportunity to raise and strengthen your energy system, resonating a higher frequency vibration through out the whole planet.

The extremes of this imbalance are egotism, victimhood and narcissism. All of which become amplified at the individual and collective levels as the dismantling continues. And we will continue so experience resistance at the extreme levels, as well as, the local and individual levels until the new earth paradigms have taken a strong enough hold that the general masses feel safe to subscribe to them. Until then, they will hang on to what feels safe, regardless of whether it is healthy or sustainable. The more we, as Wayshowers, step into our power, embrace the new paradigms and release the old ones, the quicker the new will become the norm and more folks will feel safe to join us. Thus we create another great ascension tipping point.

I realize this is a whole, whole lot to take in. At this major juncture in the alignment and shifting into a new level of consciousness on the planet, it is vital that we are able to see through the dust and debris of the dismantling. We must to recognize the deeper shifts in order to hold our focus on higher alignment and growth.

Knowledge is power. You now have more power through additional insight into this great shifting.

One more quick note - these planetary/solar shifts are creating massive changes within our physical bodies. This is because so much of this conditioning of the parent-child power imbalance paradigm is stored at the cellular level and our DNA. It has been conditioned lifetime after lifetime. The patterns are deep. So, take extra care of your physical body and allow it to release the emotions that are surfacing without judgement. Many emotions will not even have a cognitive explanation/memory attached. Some are simply running through our genetic lines. Just recognize, accept and release. Allow others extra grace and space to do the same.

It is an honor and blessing to shine along side you during this magical time!

In love, light & grace, Tera


A new moon with new trajectories for a new you … & a sigh of relief...


Eclipse Season prompts major paradigm dismantling