Solstice Blessings of Recalibration

We are halfway through a full seasonal rotation.  What a moment to reflect back, celebrate the present and envision what is to come.  Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are honoring the day of most light - illuminating our truths and infusing our creations with extra solar energy.  Just to day the sun sent off a HUGE X1.1 Flare!

We begin envisioning with honesty and determination, what our Autumn harvest will bring.  And what an opportunity for a high frequency abundance, we have in this new earth energy grid.  Do not let the distortions and distracts around you deter you from your higher vibrational path!

Please, take time to reflect over the last 6 months, celebrate where you are today and envision an even higher vibrational 6 months to come.  Have courage to be honest about what you need to re-calibrate and take the action to align your energy fields with your new higher frequency trajectories so that the Autumn harvest will be plentiful and sweet!

Please, please, remember that all this shifting is upgrading our physical bodies, as well as, our emotional, intellectual and ethereal bodies.  Be kind your whole energy system.  Practice gentle, compassionate integration and nurturing at all levels.  Hydrate, stretch, surround yourselves in positive, peaceful activities and celebrate your life. 

And consider join me in a Sacred Solstice Meditation tomorrow evening at 7pm CT in Zoom Land. It is free and all are welcome. Here’s a link with all the deets.

Happy Summer Solstice My Fellow Lights! 

Keep on Shining Bright and Bold! 


Equinox, Eclipse Season and the Paradigm of Time


The Full Moon Illumination of a Higher Perspective