Post-Election Recovery & a Super Full Moon
I hope that this finds you leveling out and rejuvenating from the deluge of emotions the USA elections stirred in us. Regardless of where you sit on the political spectrum or if you abstain from it all, you have felt the magnitude of this election cycle. It stirred within us powerful fears, anxieties, wound patterns, as well as, hopes, dreams and visions from the unconscious and subconscious layers of our energy bodies.
Many of these emotions were from specific past life experiences or stem from soul missions that run through multiple lives. Some past life experiences were directly associated with governments/rulers being toppled, betraying the people or being cruel. Others were more secondary traumas such as famine, persecutions, civil wars that were consequences of the instable/incompetent/abusive rulers. We have lived through them all and most likely have been both the ruler and the ruled at different times.
Plus, we have an overload of political stimuli that constantly reiterated how critical and serious the outcome (either way) was. They invaded our private bubbles through emails and text messages. Making it difficult to step away and maintain inner peace. As if we didn’t already know what a pivotal moment in history this is!
Let’s not forget that all the while we are doing some pretty heavy lifting in our personal soul growth. We are making major advancements in conscious awakening which, naturally brings about changes in relationships and other aspects of life. They require energy and emotional stamina to successfully navigate.
Put the past life trauma triggers on top of the weight of the current environment, and our personal transformations…then throw in the mega influx of solar energies, some poignant planetary alignments, a couple meteor showers with 4 super full moons… and you end up with total emotional pandemonium that will drive even the most tranquil master gurus to an ugly cry and a heaping bowl of comfort food!
If you lost your sh*t anytime over the few weeks and/or had an emotional breakdown post election - you are right on par for the times. In fact, I hope you have let it out however you needed to. If you have not, please, honor your self and do so now! Cry, scream, run, beat a dead log, cry some more - whatever works for you. Then process the deeper feelings and take a long *ss nap to rejuvenate and reintegrate with your higher self. This also releases you from the survival mode (fight/flight) which I wrote about in the last newsletter.
Now let’s remind ourselves that everything on the political stage is simply revealing to us where society is and what work must be done to release the old ways and mature into the new ways. At this moment in time, we don’t need to figure out what that is or how to fix it. That time will come after we have processed our own emotions, rebalanced our energy bodies and rejuvenated our souls.
Last weekend we passed the halfway point between Equinox and Solstice - a natural time of rebalancing. In the Northern hemisphere, we begin to slow down and prepare to turn inward for winter. This is the perfect time to recuperate from the election cycle. Let nature support you in your healing. Rest in the earth’s cycle of life.
This Friday is the final of four sequential super full moons. A powerful time of illuminating the darker aspects of our lives, to reveal empowering truths. With so much on the surface and the full moon shining brilliant light energy, this is an opportunity to find the core causes of past/present emotions and make powerful healing attunements.
Through all the turmoil and drama, we have also grown and matured. Think back though the whole year, to see how far you really have come. Align, integrate and find new balance in a higher vibrational level. Take time to reflect and recognize the beautiful new you that is sprouting forth!
Every human regardless of where you stand on the election results, is going through this transitional time in their own way. We are all ascending at some level. We all crave connection, being seen, feeling safe and sharing love. We are all seek a better way. When we actively look for the similarities we find unity and tranquility.